Unscramble GLOSS

By unscrambling the letters in GLOSS, our jumble solver discovered 18 words that contain the some or all of the letters in G L O S S

Jumble Word Solver Results for GLOSS

Our word finder uncovered 18 new words using the 5 letters in G L O S S. Have fun solving the Daily Jumble!

5 letter answers made by unscrambling GLOSS

4 letter answers made by unscrambling GLOSS

3 letter answers made by unscrambling GLOSS

2 letter answers made by unscrambling GLOSS

  • gloss is in TWL06 dictionary
  • gloss is in SOWPODS dictionary
  • gloss is in WWF dictionary

Definition of GLOSS

  • Gloss - A false or specious explanation.
  • Gloss - A foreign, archaic, technical, or other uncommon word requiring explanation.
  • Gloss - A specious appearance; superficial quality or show.
  • Gloss - An interpretation, consisting of one or more words, interlinear or marginal; an explanatory note or comment; a running commentary.
  • Gloss - Brightness or luster of a body proceeding from a smooth surface; polish; as, the gloss of silk; cloth is calendered to give it a gloss.
  • Gloss - To make comments; to comment; to explain.
  • Gloss - To make sly remarks, or insinuations.
  • Gloss - To give a specious appearance to; to render specious and plausible; to palliate by specious explanation.
  • Gloss - To give a superficial luster or gloss to; to make smooth and shining; as, to gloss cloth.
  • Gloss - To render clear and evident by comments; to illustrate; to explain; to annotate.

Jumble Words

These scrambled Jumble words make excellent practice for the Daily Jumble!