Unscramble CESTUS

By unscrambling the letters in CESTUS, our jumble solver discovered 44 words that contain the some or all of the letters in C E S S T U

Jumble Word Solver Results for CESTUS

Our word finder uncovered 44 new words using the 6 letters in C E S S T U. Have fun solving the Daily Jumble!

6 letter answers made by unscrambling CESTUS

5 letter answers made by unscrambling CESTUS

4 letter answers made by unscrambling CESTUS

3 letter answers made by unscrambling CESTUS

2 letter answers made by unscrambling CESTUS

  • cestus is in TWL06 dictionary
  • cestus is in SOWPODS dictionary
  • cestus is in WWF dictionary

Definition of CESTUS

  • Cestus - A covering for the hands of boxers, made of leather bands, and often loaded with lead or iron.
  • Cestus - A genus of Ctenophora. The typical species (Cestus Veneris) is remarkable for its brilliant iridescent colors, and its long, girdlelike form.
  • Cestus - A girdle; particularly that of Aphrodite (or Venus) which gave the wearer the power of exciting love.

Jumble Words

These scrambled Jumble words make excellent practice for the Daily Jumble!